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Saturday, 20 February 2016

Mapping family history: Walter William NORTHCOTE in NSW

Thanks to Janelle Collins for sending me the 2 February blogpost, from the Tapping your roots @GSQ blog. This blog is described as:

A blog about all things of interest in genealogy and family history from the team at the Genealogical Society of Queensland

The blogpost Janelle told me about was this one:
Mapping your family history - a blogpost by Helen Smith on 2 February 2016

I followed Helen's instructions to map some of the places where I know my great-grandfather, Walter William (or William Walter or many other names he used) NORTHCOTE during the time he spent in NSW. This is the only photograph I have of the man (a bad copy of a photcopy of a photograph):

The instructions on Helen's blogpost were easy to follow. You end up with something like this:

When you click on each of the red placemarkers, other information appears such as the date and event description (or whatever you add to the .csv file that you upload).

What a great way to show the trails of an ancestor's life. Thanks Helen for taking the time to write these instructions and thanks to Janelle for telling me about the blogpost!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found it useful Maria. There are so many things we can map and this is a very nice example of using it.
